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The source for Tennessee State Fire / Ems information
tennessee fire, tennessee firefighters, tn firefighters, tn fire, tennessee fire department, blount county, blount county ems, blount county fire apparatus, blount county fire departments, blount county ems

photo by Crossville Fire & Rescue
Blount County

was established in 1795 and it is located in the eastern region of the state. With a population of approximately 123,010 the county has a total area of 559 square miles, and the county seat is Maryville.

Help Needed  If you are a firefighter in Blount County, we need your help to verify the station information shown below is current and correct, please email us
tennessee fire, tennessee firefighters, tn firefighters, tn fire, tennessee fire department, blount county, blount county ems, blount county fire apparatus, blount county fire departments, blount county ems

photo by City of Pigeon Forge Fire Department

photo by Etowah Rescue Squad & Rural Fire Department
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Fire - EMS Departments  in  Blount County
Station Department Address City Phone
  124th CES / CEF Tennessee Air National Guard 124 Briscoe Drive McGhee Tyson ANG 865-336-3316
  Blount County Fire Protection District 2549 East Broadway Ave Maryville 865-983-2133
  City of Alcoa Fire Dept 2010 North Wright Road Alcoa 865-380-4999
  Friendsville Vol Fire Dept 108 East College Ave Friendsville 865-995-0986
  Maryville Fire Dept 402 West Broadway Ave Maryville 865-273-3655
  Townsend Area Vol Fire Dept 133 Tiger Drive Townsend 865-448-6322
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